Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Goat Cheese

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If we knew how easy making cheese at home was, we would have started doing it much sooner!  While making a fine aged artisan cheese is a difficult task, making simple cheeses, like ricotta, goat, and mozzarella are quite straightforward.  Homemade cheese utilizes acid (lemon juice, citric acid, vinegar, etc.) to separate the whey from the curd of heated milk.  Once they two components separate, you just need to strain the curds through cheesecloth and add some flavorings.

This version of goat cheese is as simple as it gets.  While it is not as tart as classical chevre (making true chevre requires specific additives) it is smooth, creamy, and delicious.  Mixing in your choice of flavorings - from different kinds of peppers, to dried herbs, to sun dried tomatoes) - allows you to make it just the way you like.

Find some goat milk and give this recipe a try and you'll soon be hearing the great sound of "you made this?".

Goat Cheese
Adapted from Serious Eats

1/2 gallon goat milk
1/4 cup lemon juice and vinegar mixture (see note below)
1 clove garlic, grated
Dried herbs (herbs de Provence recommended)
Salt and Pepper

Heat milk in a pot (enameled or stainless steel) over medium heat.  Bring milk to 180*F, paying attention not to overheat it.

Meanwhile combine lemon juice and vinegar.  You can use 100% lemon juice if the lemons are quite acidic, or up to 1/8 cup vinegar (white or apple cider).  Too much vinegar will overpower the goat cheese and too little acid will not curdle the milk.

Once milk is heated, remove from heat and gently stir in lemon juice/vinegar.  Let stand for 1 minute until the curds (solid parts) separate from the whey (clear liquid).  If the liquid is still very milky add more acid, stir gently, and let sit 1 more minute.

Pour curds and whey into a cheesecloth lined stainer or a bag like this (it works so well!).  Let cheese drain for 30 minutes to 1 hour - longer if you want crumblier cheese, shorter if you want creamy.  Keep some whey to stir back in incase cheese is too dry.

Mix in garlic, herbs, salt, and pepper.  Serve with fresh bread, eggs, crackers, or pasta.